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Sneaky Games Guys Play
To size us up!!!!!!!!
Published on September 16, 2004 By
Now here is an article i was reading before on my lunch break.......
Please tell me that this is not true.........
The Early Arrival game
Date Pick up time is 8pm, but we show up at 7:45pm, why? To see what you really look like – before you put on your make up mask. It also allows us to get you a bit flustered and take you off your game. Do you need to be seen as perfect, so leave us waiting outside? Or will you casually invite us in while you finish your hair? How you respond tells us how you’ll react later on when things don’t go quite as planned – not to mention whether you’ll be a self-conscious mess or a tiger in bed?
The Style Game
All it takes is a feigned interest in your new boots (we truly don’t care) and we learn more about you than your favorite Sex and The City girl reveals. If you respond with “Thanks! They’re Italian made…feel the leather…blah blah blah”, we sense you’re materialistic and hard to please. But if you say, “Thanks I got them on sale” and move on, you’re likely to be down-to-earth and a decent bank balance, so you won’t ransack our wallets.
The Dinner Game!
When the restaurant bill comes, we’ll leave it sitting between us for an uncomfortably long period of time until you might consider reaching for it. Then we swoop in as if we would never consider having you pay. Sure, shouting you is the socially acceptable thing to do, but we also get to run a quick personality test. You’ll
a) protest politely
act pissed off and rant about patriarchy or
c) not notice because you never so much as tip.
or c) and we won’t waste our money again.
The Manners Game
A classic is the car-door test. After we let you in on the passenger side, do you lean over to unlock the driver’s door? If you do, you’ll probably be a thoughtful girlfriend who brings us soup when we’re sick. If not, you’re likely to be self-centered.
There’s also the station game, where we let you have momentary control of the car radio to see whether you’ll try to find something we both like or selfishly go to the love songs of Enrique Iglesias. It’s a good gauge of how much control you’ll assume over furture decisions, from holidays to new sex moves (not that we mind being dominated – oh noooo)
The Movie Quiz Game
We’ll casually slip a classic guy-movie line into conversation, like “ So I got that thing going for me, which is nice”. (for the record, that’s from Caddyshack). Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to speak exclusively in movie quotes like guys do, but if you laugh a bit, it means we have similar cultural taste and you think we’re mildly funny. But if you stare at us blankly, we’re not in sync and you have no sense of humour, which you’ll need when you see us naked.
The Chivalry Game.
If you get chilly at some point (pretty much a given on any date), we’ll remove our jacket and slide it around you. We’re making a covert move: it’s an easy way to throw our arm around you : plus you now consider our clothes familiar territory and will hopefully work your way out of your own later
The Sex Talk Game
By the third glass of wine on the first or second date, we’ll shift the conversation to something sex related, like how the couple at the next table looks ready to bump uglies. We do this to con you into giving clues about your sex life: “wow, they should skip dessert and get a room.” Ahhh, the words dreams are made of. If you wrinkle your nose at our observation, though, we’ll think you’re either a prude or not attracted to us.
The Phone Messaging Game
We go out of our way to call you when you’re not at home.
“I had a great time the other night” we’ll say “call me”. By sounding cool and as if we’re in a hurry, we keep you guessing about how hot we are for you.
Note: the more we drool over you on our date, the more blasé we are on the phone. Don’t blame us – you’re the ones who practically padlock your bras if we act too desperate
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