Right here under your nose
Published on August 25, 2004 By H-Bomb In Blogging
I haven't realised until now just how deceiving people here can be or more to the point they only let you know or see what they want you to.

Having the power to erase peoples comments from your blog is the worst thing that you can do, just imagin all the stuff you are missing out on?????????? or the vaild points someone has made but because the person who wrote that blog didn't agree or it makes them look bad decides to delete it so you will never see it?????

What good is that???? i thought this place was a place for ppl to express themself and have opinions?? what use is expressing your opinion if that person is just going to delete it neway?????

If you are going to go to the effort to write a blog that some people might disagree with or have an opinion on, cos lets face it not eeryone is going to agree all the time, then open your mind and accept that people are going to have different views on it and there going to make comments that you just might not like.

But instead of deleting it keep it there for other people to see, and if you disagree with it say why and actually defend yourself if someone has said something you don't agree with.

Doesn't it make you think though.....how many blogs have you read and you think you have someone figured out, but how do you know???? they could be deleting things from there they don't want you to see just so you don't think differently of them?????

You will never truly know someone!!!!!!!!!

on Aug 25, 2004
And it spreads to yet another blog....

it makes them look bad decides to delete it so you will never see it

I was surprised to see the deletion of your comment which inspired this.

If you are going to go to the effort to write a blog that some people might disagree with or have an opinion on, cos lets face it not eeryone is going to agree all the time, then open your mind and accept that people are going to have different views on it and there going to make comments that you just might not like.

The irony being that's exactly what he did which started the flame war which inspired the thread you commented on. And his comment that started it all is still sitting there, undeleted.

Actually, the deletion just served to prove the point you made in the comment, don't you think?
on Aug 25, 2004
On the subject of deleting comments:

I have done it twice. Both times they were comments by an anonymous user who was replying to some of my music threads by simply posting the words to "The ballad of Lyndie England". They served absolutely no purpose, and were being spammed elsewhere, so I did delete those.

I also offered to delete some of my own comments at one point when I got out of hand. For the most part though, I just like to leave them there. But then again, I don't usually get enough comments to incite serious flame wars.
on Aug 25, 2004
Ok starters...Gene and LW.....i know what situation you are talking about......but i can tell you now, what Inspired me and made me think about this....had nothing to do with that little situation that took place here and that everyone is talking about.....

i wasn't commenting on any blog in particular i was just saying that if your going to come on here to express your views /ideas/ feelings, whatever it may be, be willing to also hear other ppls views / ideas / feelings on the same situation.......

I have never once deleted a comment (granted i haven't written two many articles for ppl to reply) so i should say if i had a comment on there i would not delete it because i have expressed how i felt in my blog and now someone is just expressing themself in reply and for me to just delete there comment as if it has no meaning would just be wrong.
That would be like someone deleting my blog just because they didn't happen to like what i might have said!!!!

When it comes down to it....not everyone is going to get along, ppl are alwasy going to be disagreeing, but if you truly believe what you say is true, then thast all that matters, and if your going to get all uppity and ancy cos someone disagrees with you, then its your problem, but you have no right to delete someones opinion as if it doesn't matter!!!!!!!!

AS i said it just goes to show you, you will never know the full story.......you will never know duiring an argument / heated discussion, on here what someone truly believes because who knows, there comments may have been deleted!!!!!!!!!